
What Is RSS?

Now you can easily keep up with news and information that's important to you from Streetwise Reports. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication, a format for syndicating news and content.

Thousands of news sources make their content available, free, to users of RSS newsreaders, also known as aggregators. The content you want can be delivered directly to you conveniently in one place, without cluttering your inbox with e-mail messages. This content is called a "feed."

All you need is an RSS reader, a small software program that collects and displays RSS feeds. It allows you to scan headlines from a number of news sources in a central location. Aggregators for accessing RSS include stand-alone applications or plug-ins for Outlook. Some browsers, such as the current versions of Firefox and Safari, have built-in RSS readers.

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Some resources for aggregators:

NewsGator - News aggregator runs in Microsoft Outlook.

NetNewsWire - A Mac OSX desktop RSS reader

NewzCrawler - Provides access to news content.

For information on using our syndicated content on other websites, please read more here.