Chris Thompson


Recent Articles

Marketing Solutions Provider Benefits From Transformative Acquisition 11/14/2023

eResearch sees over 100% upside for DATA Communications stock based on growth and synergies from the Moore Canada deal, noted eResearch analyst Chris Thompson.

Co. Posts 8th Consecutive Quarter of YOY Revenue Growth 11/13/2023

This result in Q3/23 is in large part due to the acquisition of another firm earlier in the year and the resulting synergies, noted an eResearch report.

Tech Solutions Firm Has YOY Growth for 7th Quarter in a Row 08/24/2023

In Q2/23 the company began to realize synergies from its recent acquisition, which boosted revenue and cash flow, noted an eResearch report.

Data Communications Co. To Buy Printing Firm 03/14/2023

The strategic merger between these two Canadian entities should enhance the acquirer's "capabilities and growth potential," noted an eResearch Corp. report.

Recent Quotes

"DCM agreed to acquire R.R. Donnelley & Sons' Canadian operations."

— Chris Thompson, eResearch (3/10/23)
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"DCM reported Q3/22 revenue of $63.4M, up 11.4% from $56.9M in Q3/21."

— Chris Thompson, eResearch (11/11/22)
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"DAC's revenue increased by 90% YOY in Q4/21 and 79% YOY in 2021."

— Chris Thompson, eResearch (5/31/22)
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"At LGD's Black Pine, +1 g/t grades in hole LBP511CA are eye catching."

— Chris Thompson, PI Financial (5/25/22)
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