
Stephen Soock


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Hub-and-Spoke Geology Validated at Utah Mining Asset 08/07/2023

New drill results show high grades of polymetallic mineralization in multiple spokes of "a very large system,'" noted a Stifel report.

Silver Miner Set to Yield 'Robust Cash Flow,' Expert Says 08/31/2022

Despite the increase in cost assumptions for the company's joint venture project in Mexico, this mining company is positioned for "robust cash flow," noted a Stifel report.

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"MAG's Juanicipio mine has been set up to be a generational asset."

— Stephen Soock, Stifel (11/27/23)
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"We remain optimistic about MAG defining multiple CRDs at Deer Trail."

— Stephen Soock, Stifel (8/3/23)
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"MAG posted positive EPS of $0.08 in Q2/22."

— Stephen Soock, Stifel (8/18/22)
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