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China-Malaysia Cooperation at 'Qinzhou Speed'

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"'In the future, if I want a project to be finished as fast as possible, I would say to finish it with Qinzhou speed,' said Malaysia's prime minister. Things seem to be happening again in making the joint Chinese-Malaysian Qinzhou Industrial Park a reality."

rare earths
Rare Metal Blog, Graeme Irvine

"Today I learned a new phrase 'Qinzhou speed'," said Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak on April 1 at the launch ceremony of the park, praising the efficiency of the park's construction.

"In the future, if I want a project to be finished as fast as possible, I would say, 'Finish it with Qinzhou speed'," said the prime minister.

Things seem to be happening again in making the joint Chinese-Malaysian, Qinzhou Industrial Park in south China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, a reality. Announced back in April by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao and Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, it is often cited by conspiracy theorists as a way for China to exert influence to delay Malaysia issuing Lynas an operating licence for their newly completed Advanced Materials Plant, i.e. Lynas’ rare earth elements separation plant. Whether that’s true or not, we’ll probably never know, but there has certainly been action in China’s English language press recently covering the Qinzhou Industrial Park.

On Friday visiting the State of Sabah in East Malaysia, China’s Foreign Minister promoted the industrial park quite pointedly. The recent Chinese media coverage might just be related to the Foreign Minister’s Malaysian visit, but the list of what China is proposing to encourage there suggests it’s intended to be the real thing. No word if Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi took time off to visit Mount Kinabalu Southeast Asia's highest mountain. . .View Full Article

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