Elliott Gue
Capitalist Times

Since earning his bachelor's and master's degrees from the University of London, Elliott Gue has dedicated himself to investment in the energy sector, and was been referred to in the official program of the 2008 G-8 Summit in Tokyo as "the world's leading energy strategist." He has also appeared on CNBC and Bloomberg TV and has been quoted in a number of major publications, including Barrons, Forbes and the Washington Post. Gue's expertise and track record of success have also made him a sought-after speaker at MoneyShows and events hosted by the Association of Individual Investors. Gue has contributed chapters on developments in global energy markets to two books published by the FT Press, The Silk Road to Riches: How You Can Profit by Investing in Asia's Newfound Prosperity and Rise of the State: Profitable Investing and Geopolitics in the 21st Century. Prior to founding the Capitalist Times, Gue shared his expertise and stock-picking abilities with individual investors in two highly regarded research publications, MLP Profits and the Energy Strategist, as well as the long-running financial advisory Personal Finance. In October 2012, Gue launched the Energy & Income Advisor, a semimonthly online newsletter dedicated to uncovering the most profitable opportunities in the energy sector, from growth stocks to high-yielding utilities, royalty trusts and master limited partnerships.
Recent Quotes
"RDS is one of the largest oil companies in the world and an integrated producer."
The Energy Report Interview with Elliott Gue
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