Jessica Fung

Jessica Fung is a commodities analyst with BMO Capital Markets. Fung is responsible for providing fundamental research and price forecasts for the major commodities within the Global Metals & Mining equity research team at BMO Capital Markets. Her analysis includes tracking 800 mining operations with her team, as well as publishing insight into pricing and commodities consumption trends for institutional, metals trading and corporate clients. Prior to covering mining commodities, Fung was an equity research associate with a focus on the large-cap diversified miners and iron ore producers. Fung has appeared on BNN television, Kitco and Dukascopy TV, and been quoted in other press such as Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, LatinFinance, Globe & Mail, Mineweb and Chile Explore. She holds a Masters of Business Administration from the Rotman School of Management at the University of Toronto, and a Bachelor of Applied Arts from Ryerson University.