
Streetwise Reports' Article Archives — March 2019 back to current month (61)

Confusion Reigns (Or What to Do When Nothing Makes Sense) (03/31/2019)

Sector expert Michael Ballanger discusses the pitfalls of market reversals and forecasting.


African Copper Project PEA Depicts 'One of the Largest Undeveloped Mines Worldwide' (03/30/2019)

The key points from this company's recently released study results and plan are presented in a BMO Capital Markets note.


Gold Company Keeps 'Finding the Mother Lode Again and Again' (03/28/2019)

The meaning and implications of recent positive assays for this Nevada company are explained in this ROTH Capital Partners report.


Explorer Reports Thick Oxide Gold Intervals in Nevada Deposit (03/28/2019)

Stepout drilling intersected mineralization that remains open in the northern and southeastern parts of the company's property.


Firm Files Technical Report for Mexican Project in Historical Mining District (03/28/2019)

The Canadian company continues to advance this silver-lead-zinc asset.


Gold: A Sharp C-Wave Drop? (03/28/2019)

Clive Maund sees some rough waters with gold and discusses how to play it.


California Gold Entering High-CBD Content Hemp Seed Market in the U.S. (03/28/2019)

Peter Epstein of Epstein Research profiles a gold company that plans to grow hemp seed on its land.


Royalty and Streaming Firm's Gold Equivalent Ounces Should Increase +10% in 2019 (03/26/2019)

An iA Securities report reviews the actual numbers from 2018 and the projected figures for the next five years.


Golden Arrow Resources Raises C$4.74M, Ramping Up Production at Puna (03/26/2019)

The Critical Investor admires the way this company with a JV on a silver mine conducted its financing.


Jayant Bhandari: Two Resource Companies with Arbitrage Opportunities (03/25/2019)

Jayant Bhandari, in conversation with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable, discusses a wide range of topics from India-Pakistan tensions to a number of resource companies that he has on his radar screen, including two arbitrage opportunities.


Drilling Hits High-Grade Gold Veins at Red Lake Project (03/25/2019)

The exploration efforts of this Canadian company continue to yield positive results.


Explorer Begins Drilling at Nevada Asset Bordering Gold Major's Prolific Mine (03/25/2019)

This program will be the start of exploring the large structural zone running northward from the other company's project.


The Logic Behind Buying Gold Now (03/25/2019)

Rudi Fronk and Jim Anthony, co-founders of Seabridge Gold, discuss Fed policies and what they mean for gold.


Precious Metals Streamer's Q4/18 EPS a Beat, 2019 Guidance with 'Rosy Upside' (03/25/2019)

A BMO Capital Markets report presented both sets of figures.


Post Quadruple Witching Week: Just Like Clockwork (03/24/2019)

Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger discusses the Fed's interest rate announcement this week and its implications for gold and mining stocks.


Technical Analyst Sees 'Strong Speculative Buy' on Nevada Royalty Holder (03/24/2019)

Technical analyst Clive Maund charts a small-cap with royalties on a gold project in Nevada, and explains why he sees it as a strong speculative buy.


Analyst: Copper Explorer Is Prime Takeout Target (03/23/2019)

A Fundamental Research Corp. report explained the reasons why.


Target Price Raised on Metals Firm 'Growing Substantial High-Grade Project' (03/21/2019)

The newly announced resource update and what it means in terms of project economics is captured in a ROTH Capital Partners report.


Dollar Breakdown on Fed Was Much Worse Than It Looks (03/21/2019)

Technical analyst Clive Maund explains why the dollar breakdown after the Fed's rate announcement is good news for precious metals.


Advanced Zinc Explorer in Ireland Looks 'Attractive' (03/21/2019)

Technical analyst Clive Maund explains why he sees this zinc explorer as a good value.


Update on Tanzanian Royalty Exploration Company (03/21/2019)

Technical analyst Clive Maund charts this exploration company and explains why he believes it is at an "excellent entry point."


Aging in the New World Order of Managed Markets (03/20/2019)

Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger discusses the influence of governments in the future direction of markets.


Target Price Raised on Report of Possible Mine Throughput Increase (03/19/2019)

A BMO Capital Markets report discussed this gold company's 2019 production guidance and the potential impact of greater capacity.


'Multi-Million-Ounce Gold Giant' Is Stirring. . .and the Stock Is at an All-Time Low (03/19/2019)

Knox Henderson explains why he believes Terraco Gold, with two big catalysts coming and a royalty in a large Nevada gold deposit, should be trading at three times its current share the very least.


Rise Gold Drills 90.4 g/t Gold over 4.7 Meters (03/19/2019)

Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold provides an update on a company with a past-producing gold mine in California.


Testing Shows Firm's Formulas Extract Palladium, Gold in High Percentages (03/19/2019)

The company continues to optimize the chemical and leaching conditions for its recovery process.


Company on Target to US Copper Production by Q4 2019 (03/18/2019)

Matt Gili, CEO of Nevada Copper, talks with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable about his company's progress toward beginning copper production by the end of the year.


Firm's British Columbia Property Returns 4.81% Light Rare Earth Oxide (03/16/2019)

This Canadian company intends to build upon these initial positive results.


Resource Firm Confirms Graphite Carbon Below Surface Saprolite at Guinea Deposit (03/16/2019)

The next step for the Canadian company is a mineral resource update for this asset.


Sesmarias Stepout Drilling Successful So Far for Avrupa Minerals (03/16/2019)

The Critical Investor discusses insights management has gleaned from recent drilling and why they have the potential to cause a share re-rating.


Quadruple-Witching Leading into Saint Paddy's Day (03/16/2019)

Precious metals expert Michael Ballanger riffs on St. Patrick's Day, COT reports, quad-witching weeks and gold.


Takeaways from MAG Silver's Annual Event at PDAC (03/15/2019)

A Macquarie report discussed a handful of highlights from management's presentation.


British Columbia Copper-Gold Miner Upgraded on Asset Sale News (03/15/2019)

A CIBC report discussed the pros and cons of the transaction.


Target Price Lowered on Goldcorp to Reflect Updated Model (03/14/2019)

A CIBC report itemized the revisions and noted their cumulative impact.


Rare Earth Element Project in Canada Advances (03/14/2019)

Max Sali, CEO of Defense Metals, speaks with Peter Epstein of Epstein Research about the latest developments at his company's REE project in British Columbia.


Three Prospect Generators Have Exciting Year Ahead (03/13/2019)

Fund manager Adrian Day looks at three junior resource companies that are following the prospect-generator model.


Deposit's Updated Resource Estimate Increases Size, Confirms High Grades (03/13/2019)

The company noted that the results justify moving the deposit into an early position in the British Columbia's project's mining sequence.


Goldcorp Disgrace: No Wonder Investors Steer Clear of the Sector (03/12/2019)

Money manager Adrian Day reviews the latest developments in the Goldcorp acquisition saga, noting as the story unfolds, insiders quietly line their pockets.


New Results from Portugal Project Suggest Presence of 'Robust Mineralizing Event' (03/12/2019)

This junior explorer will use these data to determine its next drill targets at the asset.


Explorer Hits New Gold-Bearing Veins in Single Zone at Red Lake Project (03/11/2019)

This Canadian company aims to determine whether they are zone extensions or new gold discoveries.


Newly Identified Veins at Mexico Project 'Highlight Exploration Upside on Multiple Fronts' (03/11/2019)

A Canaccord Genuity report reviewed and discussed these drill results and their implications.


Firm Advancing Gold Exploration in the Northwest Territories (03/10/2019)

Judson Culter, CEO of Rover Metals, speaks with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable about historical exploration on his company's properties, as well as current exploration plans.


'Up-to-Date' COT Report: A Maddening Déjà Vu (03/10/2019)

Precious metals expert discusses recent movements in the markets.


New Carbon-in-Leach Mine to Boost Miner's Gold Production in 2019 (03/08/2019)

A Haywood report reviewed this company's Q4/18 financials and the outlook for 2019.


Precious Metals Reentry Time: Not Ideal but Enough for a Trade (03/08/2019)

Sector expert Michael Ballanger offers his take on how PDAC has affected the gold and silver markets.


Two Veins Discovered at Joint Venture's Polymetallic Project in Mexico (03/07/2019)

These geologic formations open new areas for exploration on the property.


Precious Metals Producer 'Set to Close Transformational Transaction' (03/07/2019)

The benefits to be gained from a newly acquired entity, as well as a review of the company's 2018 performance and 2019 guidance, were discussed in a ROTH Capital Partners report.


Gold Company to Start Exploration of Ecuadorian Acreage Using Financing Proceeds (03/07/2019)

This Canadian firm's plans for the property are discussed in a Haywood report, which also provided an update on mine construction.


Fiji Gold Mine Attracts 'Internationally Renowned Economic Geologist' (03/06/2019)

As Lion One moves forward with getting its low-cost, fully permitted Fiji gold mine into production, Dr. Quinton Hennigh joins the team as an advisor.


Explorer to Use Sale Revenue to Advance Its Copper Project in Nevada (03/06/2019)

The $6.02 million water rights transaction entered into in September 2018 is now closed.


Explorer's Nevada Deposit Intersects Thick Oxide Gold Mineralization (03/06/2019)

Infill and stepout drilling on the southern portion of the property also demonstrated resource expansion potential.


Option/Royalty Generator Features More Than 70 Projects in Western US (03/06/2019)

Jay Taylor of J. Taylor's Gold, Energy & Tech Stocks discusses a royalty generator company with a large number of projects in Nevada.


Assay Results 'Give a Sense of the Tremendous Scope' of Bolivia Project (03/04/2019)

The company reported 190 out of 195 drill holes have shown near-surface silver mineralization.


Situation for Gold Miner in Fiji 'Explosively Bullish' (03/04/2019)

Technical analyst Clive Maund explains why he believes both the fundamental and technical outlooks for this company look strong.


What's Behind Silver's Fall? (03/04/2019)

Technical analyst Clive Maund charts silver and discusses the factors behind its price decline.


Why a Period of Consolidation Is Good for Gold (03/04/2019)

Technical analyst Clive Maund discusses gold's recent price decline and how that could be setting it up for a sustainable breakout.


Bear Market Rallies: The Nascent Narcotic (03/04/2019)

Sector expert Michael Ballanger reflects on the implications of recent market moves.


Bob Moriarty on Geopolitics, Resource Companies and His New Book (03/03/2019)

Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold sits down with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable and sounds off about the state of the world, resource companies he is paying attention to, and what readers will find in his new book.


Allegiant Gold to Start Drilling at Fifth of Six Nevada Projects (03/02/2019)

The new target is located in this gold company's Eastside claim block.


Independent Firm Yields Positive Metallurgical Recoveries from Core Samples (03/02/2019)

The tests were done on mineralization from an explorer's silver-lead-zinc project in historical Mexican mining district.


Hybrid Prospect Generator Alianza Minerals Received Exploration Permit and Raised Cash; Drilling At Prospective Haldane Can Begin (03/01/2019)

The Critical Investor profiles a hybrid prospect generator with projects throughout the Americas.


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